For the #dreamers, #inspirers, #creatives and the #doers we often find ourselves in overwhelming situations. In a space where issues exist we burst out with ideas. In a space where controversy arises we are reminded to remain relatable. In a space where the odds are against us, we root for the underdog.
Realistically, with optimism and imagination there is risk associated. So, the next time you find yourself with what feels a loss take on these 3 steps: REFOCUS, REPURPOSE, AND RETRY!
Refocus: on things you can fix. Start with a gut check. How are you feeling and how do others view you? If their view is negative, do what you can to close the gaps and move on, either way. But only do so, with a clear head space and eyes on the prize.
Repurpose: your initial plan. It may have flopped for various reasons. But whether its lack of keeping the end in mind or even the smallest riff early on– you started with good intention. Fix where necessary and blaze ahead.
Retry: because its who you are.
Once you complete these three steps, get back on track knowing there are things you cannot fix and feel comfortable knowing you improved where possible. You can't fix a company culture alone, but you can improve your visibility. You can’t fix emotions, but you can improve relatability. You can’t fix what’s been done in the past, but you can improve the future.